To a man, shoes are not just something that they slip in for a walk. They can be a matter of pride. Shoes not only reflect their fashion statement but they also show how much they’re willing to invest on something that matters.
You can pair up your shoes with formals or casuals, even with jeans. While there are various options out in the market, you can find some exotic handmade luxury custom shoes in TucciPolo. When it talks about variations, it means variations. At Tuccipolo, you’ll just have what you need even for a normal day.
How do you achieve the casual look with TucciPolo?
Since handmade shoes are crafted carefully with innovation in mind, each of the shoes’ design has its own charm and class. To look luxurious without going over the top, you can use these shoes with jeans if you follow the following tips.
There many types of jeans in the market. If you are going to pick one to match your handmade shoes, then it is better if you choose one that fits well in your hips and waist and has tapered bottom. Also make sure that it has the right length.
Tuccipolo loafers look similar to Oxfords except they are not conditioned with the lace fastening. This makes it less formal in appearance and it goes well with any casual pants or a suit. If you wear it with jeans, make sure you pair it with a semi-formal top---a plain shirt and a jacket, for instance.
Aside from loafers, you can also wear brogues. Brogues are versatile shoes. You can style it with a colored sock, folded jeans, dress shirt, and a nicely fitting sweater.
If you’re into Derby shoes, then you can pull a casual look with them, too. However, it’s only when you know the right top to pair them with. What’s good with Derby dress shoes is that they can go with tapered fit bottom jeans or skinny jeans. Any semi-formal top would complete the look. However, a Polo shirt won’t go wrong with it, too.
Tuccipolo offers leather bags and leather belts too that you can pair up with your selected shoes. However, it’s important that the shade of the accessory you have chosen will match one essential part of your outfit---your shoes or top. That way, the accessory will not look out of place.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel a bit luxurious even when attending to casual events. If you have the right fashion sense and the confidence to pull it off, then you will do fine. If you’re not sure what looks best with your shoes, then you can do a trial and error or you can ask professional help from a stylist.